Festive Theme Glass Mosaic
Introduction to glass mosaic process with a festive theme. Taking inspiration from a number of...
Gelli plate and Monoprint printing
Gelli plate is a relatively new form of mono printing that uses flexible printing plates to create...
Financial Awareness Recycling Japanese Gift Wrapping
The session will include demonstrations, instructions, hands on design and decoration fully...
Upcycling – Creating bottle flowers
The session will include an introduction on sustainability. Ideas and designs will be shared....
Atmospheric Art
The tutor will demonstrate and then supply handouts to work from. Discussion of other artists who...
The Wonder of Watercolour
The tutor will demonstrate wet into wet techniques and finer brush techniques, working from...
Art – Mixed Media and Brusho Techniques
Learn how to create your own work using various techniques – acrylic, oil, pastels, brusho....
Photography For Marketing
Learn how to get the most out of your camera, this short beginner’s photography course will cover...
Painting And Drawing
To explore a range of painting and drawing techniques through a variety of media. Covers...
Pottery Skills
Practical demonstrations of the techniques used in pottery. Advice and feedback as you try...